How to Get Clear Skin – 7 Tips ForAcne-Prone Skin

How to Get Clear Skin – 7 Tips For
Acne-Prone Skin

When it comes to getting clear skin, there are a number of things that you can do.
Some are specific to your unique skin type dr arrivo zeus ii, and others are more general and apply
to all people with acne-prone skin.

  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils

or leave it feeling dry and dehydrated. According to Lily Talakoub, MD, board-
certified dermatologist at McLean Dermatology and Skin Care Center in Northern

Virginia, an oil-based or cream-to-oil cleanser is the best for removing impurities
without stripping or over-drying. She recommends a product like Comfort Zone
Remedy Cream to Oil Cleanser.

  1. Avoid rubbing your face too hard after cleansing. Rinsing your face too harshly
    can irritate pores, and cause redness or flaking. This can cause more breakouts, so
    try to gently pat your skin dry after cleansing instead of rubbing it.
  2. Drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated and moisturized.
    A dehydrated complexion can make you more prone to breaking out, so try to get
    enough water daily.
  3. Eat a healthy diet that’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to nourish
    your skin and reduce inflammation.
    A diet that’s full of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help
    improve the health of your skin while reducing inflammation and itchiness.
  4. Take a multi-vitamin or supplement to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you
    Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in essential nutrients, especially vitamins C and E,
    can promote cellular renewal and minimize redness and inflammation that lead to
  5. Limit sugar and grease-filled foods.
  6. Processed, sugary and greasy foods can clog your pores, trigger breakouts and
    contribute to skin inflammation. A healthy diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruit
    and vegetables and lean protein will support a clear, radiant complexion.
  7. Sleep well and stay stress-free
    A lack of sleep can exacerbate the development of blemishes. This is because it can
    increase the production of cortisol, a hormone that’s correlated to breakouts. If you
    can’t afford to lose sleep, at least get adequate rest so that you have the energy you
    need to fight off acne.
  8. Don’t pop your pimples: The temptation to pick or squeeze a pimple can be
    strong, but it’s better to let it heal naturally by using a spot treatment that contains
    salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
  9. Use a tea tree oil-based moisturizer or serum:
    A few drops of tea tree oil can also be used on your face to treat acne and
    blemishes. However, be sure to dilute the oil before applying it.
  10. Don’t use alcohol to treat acne:
    Some experts believe that certain types of alcohol can aggravate your skin and
    cause a flare-up. If you’re interested in avoiding these toxins, try to drink less and
    eat healthier alternatives.
  11. Don’t eat late at night or right before bed:
    A lot of our energy goes into digestion during this time, and the body can be more
    susceptible to breakouts when we consume foods that aren’t healthy for us. So
    before you head to bed, remember to give your skin a little TLC by applying a light
    moisturizer or serum that’s suitable for your skin.